We’re At It Again!
It was a two plus year restoration project to return Springbank House to its former glory, with some modern improvements and truly special details. We had our first guests in January of 2022, and have had the pleasure of sharing this remarkable home with many since. Are we settling into life as Innkeepers? In the only way we know how… time to break ground on the garden project. Hey, why not?
The gardens at Springbank House have evolved over the past five decades with the addition of a pool, a series of handyman special projects and the result is not in line with our vision. So, we are at it again, undertaking a great big project to make this property the most special you’ll ever enjoy.
What we are starting with
Well, there is a pool. An old pool with a few jets that you could argue “work” but are hardly in working order. We fired it up to see what we had and it spouted concrete. So, we are saying goodbye to the pool!
The gardens were chock-full of species guaranteed to make a dog very sick or very dead. Not so good for Ella, our Berner, the prize winning canine Hover. It is time to reimagine, reinvent, reintroduce some native species - we are delighted by the potential of this outdoor space.
Beyond the obvious, we’ve also been exploring the grounds to find natural “rooms” –– spaces for sitting and safely socializing; cooking up storms; eating feasts; and just plain meditating. We have a masterplan and we cannot wait to share the stages of its unfolding with you, here.
Sneak peek of the ongoing make-over of Springbank House.
What is staying
Never fear! The giant Magnolia tree is safe and will continue to be a postcard picture for passersby and guests. One of our suites is named for our stunning, old Magnolia and our vision will only enhance the beauty that she bestows on this old home.
Is there much else to stay? I suppose not. Well, the house is staying. We promise that.
Dekorte Landscaping working hard towards a fall completion.
What’s the plan
Dekorte Landscaping (Fenwick) has an army here and they are pressing hard for a fall completion; in a month or two we will begin sharing the transformation. We are certain they will deliver as we have trusted them with several of our most time-sensitive, and successful, garden replacements. The front of the property will also see the same level of TLC. This home is something special, it truly deserves an outdoor experience to honour its story.
Our hope is that, in the end, the spaces created are ones that the founding owners (the Taylor family) and our present and future guests will find equally restful and pleasing to the eye. We are excited to share them with you.